大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题。in my life简谱,in my life这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Choice In My Life
2、What a good question! Life is full of choices. I am a teenager now and I have to make my own choice. For example: I have to choose what I want to wear, what make-up I want to put on [如国您是男孩的话请不要这句], how I do my hair, what kind of shoes I want to wear, what type of friends I want to be with and etc.
3、There are simply endless decisions I have to make for myself. I suppose this is the "growing" phase I have to go through just like what my mother and father did when they were at my age.
4、Having good friends around to talk about things and share our experience help - I strongly believe. It is because I get reassurance knowing that I am not alone out there. Other teenagers are facing with the same problem as I do now.
5、I begin to understand that life is full of choices. And so I just have to be strong and make sure it is the right one for me.
以上就是【in my life简谱,in my life】相关内容。