All we need to know is i love you so much是什么歌

All we need to know is i love you so much是什么歌?最近在抖音上有为男生翻唱的All we need to know is i love you so much的歌,歌词是自己的原创,那么大家知道All we need to know is i love you so much是什么歌吗?下面就跟着小编一起来看看吧!

All we need to know is i love you so much是什么歌





All we need to know is

i love you so much

so we have to love

and you need me at the same time

so i come from above

nobody can stop and nobody can judge

only lord knows we will never give up

take you to my mom and i promise

she will like you

cause you’re spotless at the first sight

when you step in the room

holding tightly darling

now we gotta start it

move your body it’s a party

tonight you look so charming

我翻山越岭只为 找到迷失的你

把你装进我心里 然后带你穿过荆棘

你知道我有多坚定 百分百的去相信

你也同样认定我 彼此心心相印

有我陪在你身边 不会感到寒冷

带你离开这深渊 让剧情完整

给你掌心的温度 我就会觉得幸福

我们的姻缘 不需要考虑归

let me take my every minute

and i know what you need

show my loyalty anytime anywhere you can see

you want our life to be steady i swear i’ll finally make it

i don’t need any else body

cause my heart has no vacancy

i cannot imagine one day live without you

you will find everything that i’ve told you is true

travel around the world from London to New York

find a place you like then i take you to church

love to feel the moment

when you’re holding my hand no more friends

and i will pick you up in every pouring rain

baby don’t stop we start we talk about

pieces of our life with some kisses any type whatever you like

try my best to control my words

cause i don’t wanna hurt you

we could go anywhere do anything

we could do

one day if you get yourself lost going too far

even end of the world i can find you we never be apart


没有头绪 就听听这首为你谱写的旋律

每一寸字句 都表达着想要把你占据

每个音符 都被我调成你微笑的频率

我们乐此不疲 每天都是形影不离

即使生活有时平淡无奇 我也为你制造惊喜

依恋你这件事 是我最大的坚持

庆幸这段际遇 能拥有地利天时

以上就是小编整理的All we need to know is i love you so much是什么歌的内容,想了解更多的抖音资讯敬请关注我们。

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